A TV anime adaptation of Debata Yuda‘s Futari Solo Camp manga has been announced with the English title Camping For Two, a teaser trailer and visual, and a July 2025 release window.
Camping For Two is a SynergySP production with Jun Hatori (Tohai – Ura Rate Mahjong Tohai Roku, Too Cute Crisis) as director, Ayaka Satsuki (Too Cute Crisis) as series composer and co-scriptwriter, and Tomomi Shimazaki (Mr. Villain’s Day Off) as character designer. Among the other revealed staff credits is background art director Hiroyuki Hasegawa (Ah My Buddha, Banner of the Stars III).
The lead voice actors are Daiki Hamano as Gen Kinokura and Mizuki Nizaki as Shizuku Kusano. The Kodansha-published Camping For Two manga has been serialized since 2018. It was initially an Evening title, until the magazine ended in February 2023. The manga returned in Morning in December 2023.
The story centers on Gen Kinokura, a devoted solo camper who treasures his solitude. During one of his usual camping trips, he unexpectedly crosses paths with Shizuku Kusano, a total camping novice. What starts as an accidental encounter evolves into an unusual partnership, as the two embark on what can only be described as solo camping for two.