An anime adaptation of the With You, Our Love Will Make It Through (Kimi to Koete Koi ni Naru) beastfolk x human romance manga has been announced with a fall 2025 release date and a teaser visual. The main cast includes Manaka Iwami as protagonist Asaka Mari and Takuya Eguchi as Asaka’s furry love interest Hidaka Tsunagu.
The With You, Our Love Will Make It Through manga comes from Yuzuki Chihiro and is serialized in Shueisha’s Manga Mee. The first tankoubon volume was released in 2021, and Volume 8 will be released on January 23, 2025 JST.
In the year 20XX, in a town where beastfolks and humans coexist, a beastfolk student, Tsunagu transfers to Mari’s high school class as a special exceptional student. Mari is perplexed by her first contact with a beastfolk, but as they spend time together as classmates, she finds the gentle and pure Tsunagu attractive.