The Danjo no Yuujou wa Seiritsu suru? (Iya, Shinai!!) romantic comedy anime adaptation will feature theme songs from HoneyWorks and Hina Tachibana. The opening song is “Shitsumon, Koitte Nandeshouka?” by HoneyWorks feat. HaKoniwalily. The ending song is Tachibana’s “Dear my Soleil”
Danjoru will begin airing in April 2025. It is an adaptation of the Dengeki Bunko light novel series written by Nana Nana and illustrated by Parum. In the story, Yu Natsume and Himari Inazuka are friends who first met and befriended each other at a middle school festival. Now in high school, the two continue to maintain their distance as “best friends” of opposite genders, until the appearance of a cool and beautiful girl named Rion Enomoto, who was Yu’s first love, disrupts their current lives.
• Kikunosuke Toya as Yu Natsume
• Sayumi Suzushiro as Himari Inuzuka
The light novels started in 2021, and there are 11 volumes as of December 2024. A manga adaptation by Kamelie also began in 2021.