Animation ID has announced that the second season of the Lockdown Zone: Level X “light anime” adaptation will premiere on February 21, 2025. The first season of Lockdown Zone: Level X premiered in Japan on September 6, 2024 and concluded on October 12, 2024. Six episodes were released in total.
The series was the third light anime project from AnimationID, which is a joint venture between Imagica Infos and Dai Nippon Printing, coming after Moriarty’s Perfect Crime and Maarui Kanojo to Zannen na Kareshi, as well as the upcoming With Vengeance, Sincerely, Your Broken Saintess.
The series began as a web novel by Romy Oishi in 2017 on the manga and novel app peep. It inspired a manga illustrated by meshe, which debuted in Futabasha’s Web Comic Action in July 2020 and ended in March 2022. A webtoon adaptation by taskey STUDIO was later released in 2022.
Ryoka is awakened by flurry of text messages from her mother! Panicked and rushed, Mom is clearly concerned for Ryoka’s safety, but she is not to keen on letting her daughter know why. Her reasoning being that nothing could really properly describe what is happening! The world might be ending! And there might be a massive new life-form on the roof of their apartment building!
— AnimationID (@AnimationID_PJ) December 27, 2024
2025年2月21日(金)深夜2時23分より #CBCテレビ にて放送開始!!!#dアニメストア をはじめ、各種プラットフォームでも配信予定
お楽しみに!!#雨宮天 #逢坂良太 #AnimationID