The first volume of Momentary Lily: Precious Interludes, a light novel series inspired by the new GoHands original anime Momentary Lily, has been released in Japan. The volume is composed of several short stories, which seek to pair up the Momentary Lily cast differently from the anime. One story sees the characters Yuri Kawazu and Renge Kasumi sneaking out to embark on a nighttime adventure, while another has Hinageshi Usuzumi and Erika Kodaiji competing for the high score at an arcade.
Momentary Lily ~Precious Interludes~ is authored by Tamazou Yanagi (Handshakers novelization, Kakuchou Gensou Sacrifice) with illustrations from syuri22. GoHands and Shochiku are credited for the source material. The book is published by KADOKAWA under the Bushiroad Novel label.
The Momentary Lily anime premiered on January 2, 2025 JST and is streaming on Muse Asia’s YouTube channel, Bilibili, and Crunchyroll. The slice-of-life and action title follows several high school girls in a world devastated by inhuman invaders, which they fight with special weapons.