The main staff and cast of the With You and the Rain anime adaptation have been revealed, with Saori Hayami being the voice of main heroine Fuji. The show has also received a July premiere window and a winter-themed key visual. Hayami’s voice castmates include Yuna Kamakura as Mimi, Satomi Sato as Ren, and Yuzu Yumoto as Krause Ella Kii. Meanwhile, the With You and the Rain staff includes:
• Director: Tomohiro Tsukimisato (Bikkuri-men, Ueno-san wa Bukiyou)
• Series Composer: Toko Machida (7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy)
• Character designer: Ayano Owada (Bikkuri-men, Ueno-san wa Bukiyou)
Lesprit is the animation production studio for the anime. With You and the Rain is based on the manga by Ko Nikaido, which has been serialized in Kodansha’s Young Magazine since August 2020 and has seven tankoubon volumes as of September 2024.
If it looks like a dog and acts like a dog and insists it’s a dog, it’s…a dog? Probably? She adopted it anyway, and her life with this “dog” will never be boring!