A second teaser visual for the Sentenced to Be a Hero: The Prison Records of Penal Hero Unit anime adaptation has been released, depicting its protagonist confronting an imposing monster with a small blade amidst a burning landscape. The anime was announced last March with a promising teaser trailer. Studio KAI is producing.
Aside from the new promotional illustration, it was announced that the anime is set for a 2025 premiere, and that Yohei Azakami and Mayu Izuka are starring in it as protagonist Xylo Forbartz and the “Goddess” of swords Teoritta. There are also plans to release behind-the-scenes material and staff interviews, as well as to explain the story’s in-universe terminology.
Sentenced to Be a Hero is based on the light novels by Rocket Shoukai, which began in 2021 and will release its seventh volume on January 17, 2025 JST. MEPHISTO illustrates the series, which is published by KADOKAWA under the Dengeki no Shinbungei label. Sentenced to Be a Hero was originally a Kakuyomu web novel, debuting on the website in 2020. It has a manga adaptation by Natsumi Inoue.
Heroism a punishment for only the worst criminals. Those sentenced to the fate of a hero are forced to fight on the front lines against deadly centers of contagion that rot the land and turn its creatures into roving armies of violent beasts. And if a hero dies, their only reward is being brought back to life so they can continue the never-ending battle. But when Xylo Forbartz, a member of Penal Hero Unit 9004 and a convicted goddess killer, comes face-to-face with a new goddess, the pact they forge might just be enough to change the world.