Even A Replica Falls In Love Receive TV Anime - Davanix
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Senin, 17 Februari 2025

Even A Replica Falls In Love Receive TV Anime

Even A Replica Falls In Love Receive TV Anime

 The Dengeki Bunko light novel series Even A Replica Falls In Love is getting a TV anime adaptation. The series, written by Harunadon and illustrated by raemz, made its debut in 2023 and has four volume as of July 2024. Even A Replica Falls In Love has a manga adaptation.


When she doesn’t feel well, when there’s a test, when she doesn’t want to go to school I take her place. I’m her replica. I’m not meant for anything else. But that changed when I fell in love. I wear my hair up so the boy I fell for knows it’s me. We skip school and promise to meet again tomorrow, and every day after. I’m her replica. Everything about me is borrowed and empty, but my heart is mine.

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